*Subject to change

Sessions indicating a badge color are limited to the respective covered entity, industry or government groups.
Sample Badge Colors

7:00am-12:30pm Registration Open
Location: Sapphire West Foyer
7:00am Charity Fun-Run/Walk (Check-in will begin at 6:30am) 
Location: Sapphire West Foyer
7:15am Breakfast: 340B Lessons from the Field (Part 3)
Location: Aqua ABC

Covered entities use 340B vendors to support 340B compliance operations in different ways, and there are a variety of vendors in the 340B marketplace offering support services. This session is designed for covered entities to hear vendors’ perspectives and lessons learned from working with clients on 340B issues.

Christy Bryant, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs & Compliance, Macro Helix
Julie Johnston, Strategic Account Executive, CaptureRx
Callie Lyons, Vice President, Pharmacy Support, Wellpartner
Scott Ponaman, President, Ponaman Healthcare Consulting
Sandy Yeh, Strategic Accounts Director, Verity Solutions
Rob Miller, Senior Vice President of Business Development, Strategic Planning, and Operations, 340B Health (Moderator)
8:00am Continental Breakfast & Networking Opportunity
Location: Exhibit Hall
8:00am Ask the Experts Breakfast for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Location: Sapphire 411

This session is an opportunity for pharmaceutical manufacturers to hear from an expert who works on a broad range of 340B-related issues. A consultant with significant experience with 340B and other federal drug pricing programs will field your questions in this small group discussion.

Marcy Imada, Principal, Deloitte & Touche LLP (Moderator)
9:00am 340B Legislative Update
Location: Indigo, Overflow: Sapphire AE

This session will provide attendees with a comprehensive update on the political landscape in Washington, DC, related to 340B, including an examination of new 340B legislation in the House and Senate and other efforts to make changes to the program.

Jeff Davis, Of Counsel/Senior Advisor, Baker Donelson, PC
Elizabeth Karan, Associate, Feldesman, Tucker, Leifer, Fidell LLP
Kathryn DiBitetto, Vice President, Government Relations, 340B Health (Moderator)
9:30am  Apexus Update
Location: Indigo, Overflow: Sapphire AE

Apexus, as HRSA’s government contractor for the 340B Prime Vendor Program (PVP), is responsible for negotiating sub-ceiling discounts on 340B drugs and discounts on other pharmacy-related products and services for participating covered entities. The organization also plays an important role in providing 340B technical assistance to covered entities. Apexus will provide an update on its programs and initiatives.

Chris Hatwig, President, Apexus
Katheryne Richardson, Vice President, Apexus 
10:00am Exhibits Open: Refreshment Break and Networking Opportunity
Location: Exhibit Hall
10:00am 340B Lessons from the Field (Part 4)
Location: Aqua ABC

Covered entities use 340B vendors to support 340B compliance operations in different ways, and there are a variety of vendors in the 340B marketplace offering support services. This session is designed for covered entities to hear vendors’ perspectives and lessons learned from working with clients on 340B issues.

Jennifer Agee, Director, Supply Chain, Legacy Health
Jen Austin, Senior Consultant, Visante
Tony Zappa, Chief Solutions Officer, Trellis Rx
Rob Miller, Senior Vice President of Business Development, Strategic Planning and Operations, 340B Health (Moderator)
11:00am Track One
340B Operations: Experiences from the Field

A) Contract Pharmacy Considerations and Practices

Location: Sapphire AE

Covered entities are responsible for ensuring that their contract pharmacy arrangements comply with 340B program rules. As a result, covered entities must be mindful of program requirements through each stage of setting up and maintaining a contract pharmacy arrangement, including negotiation of the contract, implementation, and ongoing oversight. This session will address important legal, business, and operational considerations for covered entities and contract pharmacies as they evaluate whether to enter into an agreement and negotiate a contract pharmacy arrangement. The session will also highlight how entities can monitor their contract pharmacies to ensure 340B compliance.

Alan Arville, Member of the Firm, Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
Michelle Rosenberg, Assistant Director, Health Care, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Nicole Shoquist, Chief Pharmacy Officer, JPS Health Network
Amanda Nagrotsky, Legal Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) 

B) Third Party Billing and Reimbursement
Location: Indigo AE

A number of third-party payers have tried to contract with 340B pharmacies on different terms than those applied to non-340B pharmacies. In most cases, the different terms include paying 340B pharmacies at lower rates. Some payers are also requiring pharmacies to identify 340B claims at the point of sale. Speakers will address a range of issues relating to 340B reimbursement, including why these trends are occurring and how they impact covered entities and their patients.

Todd Nova, Shareholder, Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C.
William von Oehsen, Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC
Maureen Testoni, President and CEO, 340B Health (Moderator) 

Track Two
340B Policy & Compliance

A) Understanding Medicare Provider Based Rules and Implications for 340B Child Site Registration
Location: Indigo BCFG

This session will provide an overview of the Medicare cost report and provider-based rules as they relate to the 340B program and HRSA’s policies for offsite facility registration. Topics to be addressed include how to use the cost report to support 340B eligibility of facilities, understanding child site registration under HRSA’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System, and how to develop a trial balance crosswalk to help ensure compliance with HRSA requirements.

Matt Atkins, Manager, Audits and Accounting, Draffin Tucker, LLP
Danielle Griggs, Pharmacy Manager, Procurement, Utilization Management, and Business Services, UVA Medical Center
Barbara Straub Williams, Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC

B) Covered Entity and Manufacturer Collaboration in 340B Compliance Oversight
Location: Sapphire IM

Has your organization ever received a formal letter of inquiry from a manufacturer and wondered why it was receiving such a letter? This session will aim to provide answers to that question, as a manufacturer representative will share their perspective on the internal process behind these inquiries. Panelists will share methods and key indicators manufacturers might look for when determining whether to initiate the formal inquiry process, as well as their suggestions for responding to inquiries. The panel will also feature a provider who will share a perspective on responding to different inquiry letters.

Sabrina Aery, Director, 340B Compliance and State Policy, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Emily Cook, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
Kevin Jones, 340B Program Director, Intermountain Healthcare

Track Three
Clinical Best Practices

Results from Pharmacy 340B Initiatives
Location: Sapphire 400

Covered entities are encouraged to share how they use 340B savings to stretch scarce federal resources. This session will focus on three examples of how covered entities have looked at their savings, allocated funding to resource pharmacy initiatives to provide better access and care to medications for their patients. Learn from your peers about strategies and opportunities for pharmacy initiatives to tell your 340B story.

Alftan Dyson, Director of Pharmacy Services, Medical Advocacy and Outreach
Erica Smith, Senior Financial Analyst, SCL Health
Matthew Bertsch, Director of Pharmacy, Sun Life Family Health Center (Moderator) 

Small Group Discussions/Roundtables

A) Hospital Audit & Corrective Action Plan Roundtable (hospitals only) 
Location: Sapphire 411

This roundtable is limited to hospitals only. Attendees will hear from hospitals that have been through a HRSA audit and developed a corrective action plan (CAP). Hospitals that have successfully challenged audit findings will share their perspective. The roundtable will provide an opportunity to discuss best practices in audit preparation, lessons learned from the audit experience and CAP development.

Clementine Mehrens, Manager, 340B Program, St. Luke’s Health System
Bibi Wishart, Systems Manager, Community and Specialty Pharmacy, Wake Forest Baptist Health
Kenny Yu, Director of Pharmacy, 340B Program, NYU Langone Hospitals
Steven Miller, Vice President, Pharmacy Services, 340B Health (Moderator) 

B) CHC Expert Session: The Shifting 340B Reimbursement Landscape (Part 2) 
Location: Aqua DEF

When Congress enacted the 340B Drug Pricing Program in 1992, it was their intent that the program support the viability and effectiveness of the nation’s health care safety net by enabling eligible entities serving the country’s most vulnerable populations to expand access and provide comprehensive and high quality services. However, in recent months, the health center community has seen a rapidly escalating trend in the market that is effectively redirecting savings intended for covered entities to a variety of 3rd parties in the supply chain. In Part One of our two-part CHC Expert Session, participants gained an understanding of how savings are being redirected from the intended covered entities. In Part Two, national, state, and local health center leaders will discuss strategies that are emerging, which are aimed at reversing this trend and ensuring that third party contracts are consistent with the Congressional intent for 340B savings.

Michael Glomb, Partner, Feldesman, Tucker, Leifer, Fidell LLP
Mike Lin, Director of Pharmacy, Family Health Centers
Colleen Meiman, Senior Policy Advisor, National Association of Community Health Centers
Sue Veer, President and CEO, Carolina Health Centers, Inc. (Moderator)

C) 340B Advocacy and Communications: Telling Your Story and Why It Matters (covered entities only) Sample Badge Colors
Location: Aqua 311

Attendees will learn from communications and government relations experts and be given the tools to convey their 340B story to lawmakers and the media.

Andrew Behrman, President and CEO, Florida Association of Community Health Centers
Mary Edwards, Vice President, Public Policy, Fairview Health Services
David Glendinning, Director of Communications, 340B Health (Moderator) 
Michelle Kroll
, PAC and Advocacy Manager, 340B Health (Moderator)
12:15pm Closing Remarks & Passport Prize & Social Media Contest Drawings
Location: Indigo BCFG
12:30pm Conference Adjourns


   Pharmaceutical Strategies Group

RxStrategies     Sentry Data Systems
    Verity Solutions
Wellpartner    340B Health
340Basics      CaptureRx

Comprehensive Pharmacy Services     Ponaman Healthcare Conuslting

SCL 340B Care      
Trellis Rx